Application of Event Technology to Drive Audience Engagement

by Devin Carver , , , June 20th, 2024

The true testament to a successful corporate event is an engaged audience. While that may seem like a simple answer, in reality, it can be difficult to achieve. But it doesn’t have to be a guessing[...]  

Nine Audience Engagement Metrics to Track

by Devin Carver , , , May 30th, 2024

Imagine you’ve planned a large corporate event, selected the perfect keynote speaker, hired and managed all of the necessary vendors, and put countless hours into painstakingly ensuring the event is[...]  

Planning for Corporate Social Responsibility Events in 2024

by Devin Carver , April 11th, 2024

CSR. By now, you’ve seen this abbreviation for corporate social responsibility pop up somewhere— and for good reason. Now, more than ever, it’s important for organizations to be socially conscious,[...]  

Eight Corporate Event Venue Must-Haves

by Devin Carver , April 04th, 2024

Though event planning focuses on many different aspects of corporate events, one of the most important features is the venue. Why? Because these spaces greatly impact planning across the board,[...]  

Seven Ways to Measure ROI for Successful Corporate Events

by Devin Carver February 15th, 2024

As the last echoes of applause fade and the buzz of excitement settles, it might appear that your event has concluded. But amidst the emptying venue and departing attendees, the true evaluation of[...]  

Event Data: What You Should Include in Your Post-Event Reports

by Devin Carver , February 08th, 2024

You’ve just wrapped up an event, and you can still hear the applause from the last evening’s awards banquet. But success can’t be measured by the applause alone. Instead, uncover the data-driven[...]  

Understanding Micro-Events for Corporate Events

by Devin Carver , January 11th, 2024

Think back to a time when you participated in a small group setting. It might’ve been during an orientation at a new job, a training opportunity, or even a college class. No matter the setting, you[...]  

The Benefits of Recurring Incentive Travel Programs

by Devin Carver , , December 07th, 2023

Everyone loves a reward. Whether it be a shout-out during a meeting or a thank you card in the mail, it’s always nice to be recognized for your work. These are small ways to show appreciation, but[...]  

How Working With Event Planners Improves Incentive Travel

by Devin Carver , November 16th, 2023

In today’s demanding corporate climate, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of incentive travel programs as powerful tools to motivate and reward their employees. However,[...]  

How to Choose a Theme for Your Corporate Event

by Devin Carver October 26th, 2023

Event coordination is more than a set of tasks and more than a checklist. While those are necessary to ensure you have everything covered, getting bogged down in details can mean you miss the big[...]  

Benefits of a Sponsorship Program for Your Corporate Event

by Devin Carver September 28th, 2023

You have an event coming up, and you have big plans. Not only do you have very specific event goals (because that’s the way all great events start), but you have a vision. More importantly, you have[...]  

Overcoming Airline Ticketing Challenges for Destination Events

by Devin Carver September 07th, 2023

When we think about travel, the destination is what typically comes to mind. We think about brightly lit cities, sandy beaches, good food, and an opportunity to unwind from our daily lives. We don’t[...]  

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