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The true testament to a successful corporate event is an engaged audience. While that may seem like a simple answer, in reality, it can be difficult to achieve. But it doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Today’s event technology offers a powerful toolbox to transform passive listeners into active participants. Using the right tech bridges the gap between presenters and attendees, fostering a dynamic and memorable experience.

Utilizing technology will not only increase audience interaction, but it will also help to further immerse guests into the experience. From unique, custom geofilters to virtual reality, there are so many different types of technology to incorporate into your next corporate event

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What Is Audience Engagement?

When determining just how an event resonated with guests, a useful factor to consider is their level of engagement. Engagement relates to the level of involvement and interest that an audience has during an event’s activities; this includes keynote presentations, networking opportunities, breakout sessions, and various other activities. 

At its core, engagement is about capturing and maintaining the attention of attendees and ensuring they’re actively participating rather than passively observing. This engagement can manifest in several forms, such as physical participation, emotional connection, intellectual stimulation, and social interaction.

Depending on the nature of the event, audience engagement will likely look different for every activity. You might notice more physical engagement for events that include workshops and hands-on sessions. When audience members must use “do” rather than just “listen,” engagement rates always increase.

Alternatively, audience engagement can also be achieved in a less obvious manner when the content resonates on a personal level, evoking feelings that can range from joy to empathy and inspiration. This emotional connection can be just as effective as hands-on activities.

There’s also engagement through social interactions, which includes how much attendees are involved in networking opportunities, discussions, and collaborations with other guests. When social engagement is high, this ultimately fosters a sense of community through the shared experience. 

The Importance of Audience Engagement

Effective audience engagement is crucial for the success of any event as it directly impacts attendee satisfaction, retention of information, and overall experience. A heightened level of engagement also often translates into increased productivity and improved performance once the event is over since participants are better equipped to apply what they’ve learned or experienced.

Not only does audience engagement help attendees gain a deeper understanding of the content presented, but it also encourages a stronger connection among attendees, as well as enhancing their relationship with the company hosting the event. 

event technology for audience engagement

When it comes to corporate and employee recognition events, effective engagement builds a sense of community and belonging, which is vital for enhancing employee morale and loyalty. Engaged participants feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to higher levels of motivation and a stronger commitment to the company’s goals and values.

While engagement contributes to experiences beyond a corporate event, what about during? Active audience engagement can significantly enhance the overall experience of the event, making it more enjoyable while the attendees are present. Plus, attendees who have fun and truly enjoy the event’s activities are more likely to continue to participate and even provide valuable feedback that will help craft engaging event experiences in the future. 

With all of these considerations in mind obviously, you need to come up with a plan to create an engaging event experience. Fortunately, thanks to the ever-evolving world of event technology, there are a multitude of ways to encourage participation among attendees. 

Seven Event Tech Applications to Boost Audience Engagement

It’s clear that audience engagement is an important way to measure event success. Almost half of large event planners report being reliant on engagement metrics when determining success. To help improve these metrics, here are a variety of ways that event planners can encourage high engagement among attendees. 

1. Artificial Intelligence

Of course, when we talk about technology, AI is one of the first tools you should consider. When it comes to audience engagement, AI can act as an effective tool to craft unique, personalized experiences. Artificial intelligence can recommend activities to guests that best suit their interests, meaning guests are more likely to participate in something they’ll enjoy. 

Beyond this, AI can also connect attendees with other guests who have similar experience or interests. This means attendees will network with peers who they are more likely to develop deeper connections with. 

2. Live Polling

One great way to promote active participation during presentations or sessions is to include live polls. Using event technology, a poll can be presented on screen, and audience members can respond in real-time using their smartphones. 

There are various ways this can be accomplished. You could display a QR code that attendees scan to arrive at the poll or you can use mobile event apps with live polling features. 

3. Gamification

Who doesn’t want to have a little bit of fun and some friendly competition during a corporate event or incentive program? Gamification does just that while promoting deeper engagement with the content being presented. There are many ways to incorporate gamification into an event, including points, badges, and leaderboards connected to various activities. 

These elements can motivate attendees to participate in activities, complete challenges, and interact with others. For example, awarding points for attending sessions, networking with peers, or participating in discussions encourages active involvement. Leaderboards create a sense of friendly competition while rewards and recognition for achievements enhance motivation and excitement. 

You can even get people engaged in the event before it starts by beginning your gamification efforts prior to the program. Consider awarding points to people who download the mobile app early or to those who utilize the networking tool to connect with others before arriving at the event. 

4. Networking Opportunities

When given the chance to get to know others, attendees feel a stronger sense of community among their peers (especially for those who don’t interact with one another on a day-to-day basis). They become more actively involved, contributing to a dynamic and interactive atmosphere. 

Fortunately for planners, event tech can greatly enhance networking opportunities by providing platforms and tools that facilitate connections and interactions among attendees. For instance, mobile event apps can include features such as attendee profiles, matchmaking algorithms, and chat functions, enabling participants to easily find and connect with others who share similar interests or goals.

5. Q&A Sessions

Similar to live polling, Q&A sessions are a great way to encourage participation, and they can be accomplished in a few ways. One way is to provide time during a presentation or workshop for audience members to ask questions. But with the help of event technology, this process can be streamlined.

Before an event starts, give guests a chance to submit questions ahead of time. Some platforms even allow attendees to vote on which of the submitted questions they would most like to have answered during the event. As a result, event planners can expect higher engagement since speakers will be addressing topics that attendees are interested in learning about. 

event technology for photos

6. Social Media

Due to the fact that nearly everyone is on social media today, event planners should capitalize on this by utilizing the technology that attendees are already familiar with. 

To promote online engagement, event planners should encourage attendees to share their experiences on their own platforms by using event-specific hashtags. You can also highlight event speakers by sharing their bios and expertise to promote the learning opportunities from participating in the event. Better yet, planners can post polls, questionnaires, and more on social media to promote participation.  

7. AR and VR

It’s always smart to utilize technology at your event that fully engages your guests. So, try to incorporate augmented reality and virtual reality where possible to bring the digital world to life. This kind of tech offers engagement that some smartphone applications can’t.

With VR headsets, attendees can travel to exotic locales while physically staying at the event. For instance, if you’re promoting a new incentive program, why not take your attendees to the beach, mountains, or whatever location most motivates your chosen audience. Or if you’re introducing a new product and it’s still in its early stages, organizers can leverage AR and VR tech to demonstrate the product in an immersive way. Not only does this create a memorable experience, but it also makes events more accessible and engaging. 

Utilizing Event Technology Post-Event

During the event, it’s satisfying to see your attendees engaging in the program, but at the end of the day, who else will know how successful you were if you didn’t measure what was happening and analyze the data?

That’s why it’s always a good idea to provide post-event surveys for attendees and vendors. The data produced leads to a better understanding of what people liked, what they didn’t like, and what they may have wanted more or less of.

Better yet, mobile event apps and other event tech platforms can provide insights into audience engagement. Tracking valuable engagement metrics will help you pinpoint the aspects of the event that resonated with guests. 

For extra help getting started with event technology for audience engagement, you can always turn to Bishop-McCann. Our expert event planners can help you find the right event tech solutions to create memorable experiences for your guests. To learn more, connect with us today!

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