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What Leadership Teams Need to Know About Incentive Travel Programs

by Brenna Adkins , July 25th, 2024

In today's dynamic work environment, leadership styles are as diverse as the generations that define them. As baby boomers gradually retire from their leadership roles and are replaced by Gen X and[...]  

The Value of Networking Events for Attendees

by Brenna Adkins , July 11th, 2024

“Your network is the people who want to help you, and you want to help them, and that’s really powerful.” These insightful words from Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, encapsulate the essence of[...]  

Seven Features to Look for in Event Management Software

by Todd Moritz , , June 27th, 2024

Being an event planner means your schedule is overflowing with important tasks and looming deadlines. You’re not only on the hunt for the ideal venue, but you’re also finalizing food and beverage[...]  

Event Tech Spotlight: The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Event Technology

by Todd Moritz , June 13th, 2024

The event industry, much like all areas of business, is experiencing a digital transformation. From interactive experiences to seamless event management, tech is reshaping how we plan and execute[...]  

How Destination Marketing Organizations Add Value to Incentive Programs

by Justin Myers , June 06th, 2024

Dreaming of crafting the ultimate incentive trip experience for your top performers? This is a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with your destination. That, of course, is why research[...]  

Nine Audience Engagement Metrics to Track

by Devin Carver , , , May 30th, 2024

Imagine you’ve planned a large corporate event, selected the perfect keynote speaker, hired and managed all of the necessary vendors, and put countless hours into painstakingly ensuring the event is[...]  

The Power of Integrating Health and Wellness Activities Into Events

by Brenna Adkins , , May 16th, 2024

It’s no secret that the idea of healthier and more mindful living is on the rise. Incorporating balance into daily work life is becoming more and more important to minimize stress and maximize[...]  

Amp Up Event Branding with Nine Creative Environmental Branding Ideas

by Julie Hynek , , , March 29th, 2024

Imagine attendees embarking on a journey of creativity, innovation, and brand immersion as soon as they enter an event. We here at Bishop-McCann are constantly looking for ways to turn a guest’s[...]  

Navigating Common Misconceptions of Incentive Travel

by Brenna Adkins , February 29th, 2024

Exotic destinations. Live music and performances. Meals crafted and plated by Michelin-starred chefs. Excursions to historic sites. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? You might have heard about these[...]  

Event Data: What You Should Include in Your Post-Event Reports

by Devin Carver , February 08th, 2024

You’ve just wrapped up an event, and you can still hear the applause from the last evening’s awards banquet. But success can’t be measured by the applause alone. Instead, uncover the data-driven[...]  

Going Mobile: Heightening the Event Experience with Event Apps

by Brenna Adkins , , January 18th, 2024

Today, there truly is an application for just about anything, so it’s not surprising to learn that many Americans are spending more than four hours a day on a mobile device. With smart technology and[...]  

Understanding Micro-Events for Corporate Events

by Devin Carver , January 11th, 2024

Think back to a time when you participated in a small group setting. It might’ve been during an orientation at a new job, a training opportunity, or even a college class. No matter the setting, you[...]  

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