Event Data: What You Should Include in Your Post-Event Reports
You’ve just wrapped up an event, and you can still hear the applause from the last evening’s awards banquet. But success can’t be measured by the applause alone. Instead, uncover the data-driven[...]
Understanding Micro-Events for Corporate Events
Think back to a time when you participated in a small group setting. It might’ve been during an orientation at a new job, a training opportunity, or even a college class. No matter the setting, you[...]
Breakout Sessions to Boost Your Corporate Event
We’ve all spent time in long meetings. Because we have, we recognize the feeling of losing focus and becoming disengaged – looking at our watches, checking devices, thinking about lunch, and just[...]
How to Choose a Theme for Your Corporate Event
Event coordination is more than a set of tasks and more than a checklist. While those are necessary to ensure you have everything covered, getting bogged down in details can mean you miss the big[...]
Understanding and Incorporating Event Activations
In the world of corporate events, creating memorable and impactful experiences is not just a trend – it’s a necessity. Activations, the ingenious blend of creativity and strategy, have emerged as the[...]
Creative Networking Activities for Corporate Events
Time away from the office. Great food and drink. Informative sessions. Engaging off-site activities and entertainment. Inspirational speakers. There’s a lot for attendees to look forward to when it[...]
Top Challenges to Corporate Event Sourcing and How To Overcome Them
For many people (like us), planning is the fun part. You have an event goal, and the rest is a blank canvas. As you start narrowing down what you want and need, event sourcing can be a challenge and[...]
Event Trends: Food and Beverage in 2023 and 2024
Post a good meal on social media, and you’ll quickly realize exactly how important food and drinks are in our lives. You’ll notice comments accumulating because people want to know what you ate,[...]
Preventing Event Fatigue at Corporate Events
In a post-pandemic world after having faced relative isolation, everyone was ready to jump in with both feet when it came to in-person events. From concerts and trips to corporate events, we’ve been[...]
How to Solve 5 Corporate Event Planning Challenges
Any corporate event comes with challenges. From varied guests to budget limitations, event planning can be difficult at the best of times. And, the larger your organization and event, the tougher[...]
How to Plan an Unforgettable Employee Recognition Event
Imagine receiving a watch with someone else’s name on it. How about an expired gift card? A toothbrush? There’s no shortage of stories out there of corporate gifts given in recognition to loyal[...]
Brand Storytelling at Corporate Events
As children, we love being told stories, and if you think we stopped loving stories, you’d be wrong. Even as adults, when a brand tells a captivating story, we listen. Brand storytelling is a[...]