Bishop-McCann Blog

Seven Features to Look for in Event Management Software

Written by Todd Moritz | Jun 27, 2024 4:15:00 PM

Being an event planner means your schedule is overflowing with important tasks and looming deadlines. You’re not only on the hunt for the ideal venue, but you’re also finalizing food and beverage menus, booking group flights, coordinating with vendors, and selecting impactful keynote speakers – all while aiming to deliver an event that wows your attendees. It’s a lot to juggle, to say the least.

While many components go into effective event planning, that doesn’t mean it needs to be a difficult task. With the right event management software, all of these components can be seamlessly integrated into one platform, allowing you to manage every aspect of your event from a single, centralized location. 

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What Is Event Management Software?

Event management software (EMS) is a comprehensive event technology tool designed to streamline the planning, execution, and evaluation of events. These programs cover a wide range of functionalities, from registration and ticketing to scheduling, venue management, and post-event analytics.

Event management software tools often combine multiple components of event planning into one platform, enabling planners to streamline logistics, engage with attendees, and monitor event performance in real-time. By automating routine tasks and providing a centralized database of information, EMS helps planners save time, reduce errors, and enhance the overall attendee experience. But this only scratches the surface of the full value these tools provide. 

Why Your Event Management Software Matters

Above all, EMS enhances organization and efficiency. For corporate events and incentive travel programs (which often involve complex logistics, multiple stakeholders, and tight deadlines), having a reliable system to manage these elements is crucial. 

In one location, event planners and their teams can access vital information to keep events running smoothly. This includes vendor contact information, deadlines, event schedules, task assignments, attendee data, budget tracking, analytics, and more. This level of visibility ensures that event goals are met and the program is successful. 

EMS significantly improves communication and engagement with attendees. Since both corporate events and incentive programs thrive on active participation and feedback, an effective management system can improve these aspects. For instance, EMS platforms often come equipped with features such as mobile apps, email marketing, social media integration, and AI productivity tools, enabling planners to keep attendees informed, engaged, and excited. 

This continuous communication helps build anticipation, enhances the overall experience, and fosters a sense of community among participants. Moreover, the real-time data and analytics provided by EMS allow planners to gauge attendee satisfaction and make necessary adjustments on the fly, ensuring a positive and memorable experience for every attendee. 

With event management tools, many tasks that are normally tedious can be automated. For instance, event planners can save time by using their EMS platforms to track attendee data as it is gathered. Once a guest registers or checks in to an event, their information will be organized within the software tools. 

Plus, data stored in an event management software program can allow event organizers to effectively evaluate the success of an event. By analyzing mobile app usage, email performance, attendee feedback, and other metrics, organizers can identify what worked well and what needs improvement, ensuring even greater success for future programs. 

Seven Key Features of Event Management Software

Not every event management software program is created equally. Due to this, you need to evaluate each platform carefully, considering which features might be beneficial to your planning process. Below are a few key features to consider. 

1. Mobile App Integration

It’s difficult to talk about event tech without also discussing mobile apps. Apps are not only excellent for capturing attendee data and preferences, but they also provide attendees with seamless access to event information (with the ability to update in real-time if changes occur) and personalized engagement right at their fingertips.

By integrating a mobile app into your event management software, you can meet these expectations and create an exceptional experience for all participants. For event planners, integrating mobile apps with an EMS gives the ability to send push notifications, evaluate registration data, and gather survey information while attendees get the most out of your event.

2. Reporting and Analytics

Reporting and analytics are vital components of event management software, offering immense benefits to planners by transforming raw data into actionable insights. These tools provide a detailed overview of an event's performance, from pre-event marketing and registration to post-event feedback and ROI analysis.

In real-time, planners can track and measure key performance indicators (KPIs), such as registration numbers, ticket sales, attendee demographics, engagement levels, and feedback scores. By monitoring trends and patterns in the data, planners can then make any necessary adjustments to improve the event experience for current and future attendees. 

3. Personalization Capabilities

In today’s competitive landscape, delivering a tailored experience is crucial for engaging participants, ensuring satisfaction, and fostering loyalty. With EMS, planners can create customized agendas for each attendee based on their preferences and interests. Participants can then select sessions, workshops, or activities that align with their professional goals or personal interests, creating a more meaningful and valuable experience. 

4. AI Features

Speaking of personalized events, these features are easily implemented thanks to AI capabilities. AI algorithms can analyze attendee data (including past event participation, preferences, and behavior patterns) to create highly tailored experiences. For instance, AI can recommend personalized agendas, suggest relevant sessions or networking opportunities, and even customize marketing communications based on individual interests.

But AI does more than just craft personalized experiences. In fact, AI truly stands out in EMS programs for the ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. This allows event planners to make data-driven decisions, optimizing everything from venue selection and scheduling to attendee engagement strategies.

Earlier we mentioned that event management software can help planners save time, which is valuable when running fast-paced events and meeting tight deadlines. AI tools in EMS programs can handle a wide range of tasks, from answering frequently asked questions to assisting with on-the-spot troubleshooting during events. This not only frees up valuable time for planners to focus on more strategic aspects of the event but also provides attendees with instant, round-the-clock support, enhancing their overall experience.

5. Marketing Tools

If you’re trying to enhance your marketing strategy, you’ll probably want to consider event management software platforms that include integrated marketing tools. These tools significantly enhance the ability to promote events, engage with potential attendees, and track the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Additionally, they help planners create content that maintains consistent branding while adjusting as needed to cater to unique audiences, further expanding personalization capabilities. 

As event planners cater to a wide variety of demands and tasks, saving time wherever possible is always a huge benefit, and EMS tools can do just that. For instance, when crafting an email marketing strategy, all content can be scheduled ahead of time and sent to segmented audiences by attendee demographics, interests, and job roles.

6. Budgeting Tools

When planning events, you’re likely looking to boost your ROI. But how can you accomplish that without understanding your budget and financial goals? Fortunately, many event management software tools help planners better understand their spending and budgeting needs directly in the platform. 

This is accomplished thanks to comprehensive financial tracking (as well as accurate forecasting and reporting capabilities) that is often found in event management software tools. With this knowledge and the ability to collaborate with other users to provide transparency, event planners can effectively manage all expenses while staying within budget.

7. Attendee Communication

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful event, and EMS platforms are designed to facilitate seamless interaction between planners and attendees throughout the event lifecycle. With a centralized communication hub, planners can ensure all messages, updates, and notifications are managed and tracked within a single platform, reducing the risk of missed communications and ensuring consistency in messaging.

Communication tools can also be linked to mobile apps, social media accounts, and live polling features. These tools facilitate two-way communication, allowing attendees to engage actively with the event. Plus, this heightened level of interaction contributes to a more immersive and memorable event experience.

Not only does attendee communication within an event management software tool promote more engagement, but it also allows planners to send instant notifications to attendees' mobile devices, ensuring everyone is informed of any last-minute changes, such as schedule adjustments, venue changes, or important announcements. This means event planners can avoid any confusion among guests, contributing to higher satisfaction among participants. 

How to Evaluate Event Technology Options

At this point, you should have an idea of what features you’re looking for in your event management software. So when evaluating your options, keep an eye out for which components are necessary additions to help you organize successful events. 

To begin determining which platform you want to utilize, it may be beneficial to start by creating a list of your event goals and tying various event management software capabilities to each goal. For instance, if you are interested in increasing event registration, you might be more interested in a software tool that can enhance your marketing efforts and keep track of attendee data. 

Once you've outlined your event goals and identified the software capabilities that align with them, the next step is to conduct thorough research on different event management software providers. Take the time to explore their features, pricing plans, customer reviews, and case studies to ensure they meet your specific needs.

Additionally, consider scheduling demos or requesting trials to get hands-on experience with the platforms, assessing their capabilities and compatibility with your planning process. Remember to involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process and ensure buy-in from all parties involved. By investing time upfront in evaluating your event technology options, you can ultimately choose the right solution that will streamline your event planning process and help you achieve your event goals efficiently.

Make Your Event a Success With Bishop-McCann

Beyond understanding what you need your event software to achieve, consider reaching out to experienced event planners from Bishop-McCann. Our team can guide you in the right direction, helping you understand and implement an event management software tool that enables you to seamlessly manage your event. To determine the perfect EMS for your next event, reach out now!