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We live in a world in which we’ve become accustomed to checking our phones when we hear alerts or notice notifications. But as is often the way with tech, the question of whether we could make the same technology smaller loomed large. Enter wearable tech.

From Apple Watches to Fitbits and Garmins, wearable technology has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, delivering everything from messages to music right from our wrists. But this innovation isn’t limited to personal use – it’s making waves in industries far and wide, including corporate events. In fact, just a decade ago event technology mostly meant sound systems, laptops, video equipment, registration systems and websites, but that’s all changing. In fact, wearable event technology has some incredible benefits for both planners and guests.
attendees use tech to check in and more at corporate event
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What Is Wearable Event Technology?

When it comes to corporate events, finding ways to streamline communication and improve the event experience is paramount. Wearable event technology is a huge asset as it adds a new layer of interaction and convenience to corporate events.

Tech-powered accessories, such as smart badges, wristbands, and even augmented reality glasses, make it easy for attendees to engage with the event and each other. Imagine gliding through check-in with a simple tap of your wristband or effortlessly exchanging contact details through a smart badge with a quick touch.

Wearable event technology includes everything from  RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) wristbands for seamless check-ins and personalized event experiences to smart badges that track attendee movements to help organizers optimize event layout and content. These devices not only enhance the attendee experience but also give event organizers valuable insights, creating a win-win for everyone.

How Event Planners Are Making the Most of Wearable Event Technology

Event planners are embracing the magic of wearable event technology, transforming corporate gatherings into seamless, interactive experiences that spark joy and boost productivity. With a simple wristband or smart badge, the days of long lines and lost information are behind us, especially when paired with an excellent event app.

Let’s take a closer look at how event planners are making the most of this exciting and trending event tech to elevate registration, event engagement, data collection, and more.

wearable event technology RFID event badgesEvent Registration and Check-In  

Say goodbye to cumbersome registration forms and check-in lines. Wearable event tech (like RFID wristbands and smart badges) makes the event registration process a breeze. Attendees can simply tap their wearable at the entrance for instant check-in – whether that be to event sessions, off-site events, transportation, meals, and more.

Not only does this reduce wait times, but it also creates a smooth, welcoming experience for attendees. Planners love that this tech speeds up the process, giving attendees more time to connect and dive into the event experience. Bonus? It helps keep everything on schedule.

Audience Engagement  

Engagement is the heartbeat of any successful event, and wearable tech is an engagement booster. Event planners are using smart wearables for event gamification—think live polls, scavenger hunts, and interactive Q&A sessions.

With audience data coming in real-time, event planners can adjust on the fly to deliver more of what attendees want. Noticing large crowds at a particular event activation? You can promote others to reduce bottlenecks or, in some cases, add a second opportunity.

Event Data Collection  

Beyond engagement, wearable tech offers a wealth of valuable real-time data that helps event planners continuously improve their events. Tracking attendee movements and behaviors helps planners learn which sessions were the most popular, where people spent the most time, and what areas might need improvement. This data, along with post-event surveys, can be used to tweak event layouts, enhance future programming, and ensure every moment counts.

EMS Integration

Event management software (EMS) is where the magic happens behind the scenes. The best part? Wearable tech can integrate seamlessly with EMS platforms, automating many aspects of event planning and execution. From real-time attendee data to personalized experiences, planners can use this integration to streamline operations, monitor event successes in real-time, and create unforgettable experiences—all with less effort.

Wearable event technology is the perfect blend of efficiency and excitement, allowing event planners to work smarter while attendees enjoy an enhanced, memorable experience.

Considerations for Wearable Event Technology

When embracing the world of wearable event technology, event planners can unlock amazing possibilities – but a little preparation can go a long way. While the benefits are abundant, understanding a few key considerations will ensure a smooth, successful implementation.

Compatibility and Integration  

One of the first things to keep in mind is ensuring the wearable technology you choose integrates seamlessly with your existing event management software (EMS) and other event tools.

Not all systems are created equal, so verifying compatibility early in the planning process will save time and prevent potential hiccups down the road. A good tip is to work closely with your tech provider to ensure your RFID wristbands, smart badges, or other wearables sync effortlessly with registration systems, attendee tracking tools, and data analytics platforms. And don’t forget a test run before the event starts!

Data Security and Privacy  

With great data comes great responsibility. Wearable event tech can collect an abundance of information on attendee behavior, but it’s crucial to ensure all data is securely managed. Event planners should prioritize working with vendors who adhere to data protection regulations while ensuring robust encryption and privacy safeguards are in place. Transparent communication with attendees about how their data will be used also fosters trust and peace of mind.

Attendee Adoption  

While wearable tech is exciting, some attendees may be unfamiliar with or hesitant to use it. To make wearable tech adoption as seamless as possible, consider incorporating a simple, fun onboarding process that shows attendees how easy and beneficial the technology can be.

Offering clear instructions, helpful signage, and even demo stations can make all the difference in ensuring everyone feels comfortable using their new tech-enabled tools. Plus, if you include fun activities with the tech, attendees are more likely to use it, appreciate it, and look for it at future events.

Event planning is all about identifying and understanding potential challenges and preparing to address them proactively, so planners can ensure wearable technology enhances their event with a little foresight. 

event wristbandsBenefits of Wearable Event Technology for Attendees

Not only is wearable event technology revolutionizing the corporate event experience for planners, but it also has some great benefits for attendees. Whether it’s a sleek wristband or a smart badge, these little gadgets pack a big punch when it comes to enhancing the event experience.

1. Effortless Access After Event Check-In  

As mentioned previously, no more fumbling for paper tickets or waiting in long lines. Wearable tech, like RFID wristbands, allows attendees to move seamlessly through sessions and activities with a quick tap after initial  event check-in. These wearables can also grant instant access to different event areas, from breakout sessions to VIP lounges, making it easier to enjoy every part of the event without the hassle.

2. Enhanced Networking

Corporate events are all about making connections, and wearable tech takes networking to a new level. Smart badges let attendees exchange contact details with a simple tap, making it easy to meet new people. Attendees can then view and store contact information digitally, simplifying follow-ups after the event. They can even exchange virtual business cards. This creates a more dynamic, interactive event where everyone feels connected.

3. Interactive and Engaging Experiences 

Wearable technology adds excitement by enabling interactive features. Whether it's participating in live polls, engaging in scavenger hunts, or receiving personalized content based on session preferences, attendees are more engaged and immersed in the event. These tech tools turn passive attendees into active participants, creating a more dynamic and fun experience.

4. Personalized Event Journeys  

We’ve talked in the past about event trends time and again, and personalization is key. One way to truly make attendees feel special and create an unforgettable experience is to make it personal for them.

Wearable tech can personalize an attendee’s event experience by providing tailored recommendations based on interests and past interactions. Attendees can receive notifications about relevant sessions, exhibitors, or networking opportunities, ensuring they make the most of their time at the event and never miss a moment.

With all of these benefits, wearable event tech can help transform your next corporate events into an experience. Imagine everything flowing seamlessly, with effortless interactions and attendees feeling more engaged than ever before.

Ready to talk to some event technology experts? The team at Bishop-McCann has been leveraging event technology to improve and enhance corporate events for over a decade. We’re ready to show you how to incorporate technology (including wearable tech), elevate the attendee experience, and leverage actionable data. Get in touch today!

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