Bishop-McCann Blog

Planning for Corporate Social Responsibility Events in 2024

Written by Devin Carver | Apr 11, 2024 4:06:15 PM

CSR. By now, you’ve seen this abbreviation for corporate social responsibility pop up somewhere— and for good reason. Now, more than ever, it’s important for organizations to be socially conscious, and certain demographics (such as millennials) are stressing this need more than others. In fact, more than 60 percent of respondents to a joint McKinsey and NielsenIQ study said they would pay more for products that are environmentally and socially conscious.

Corporate social responsibility matters and we, at Bishop-McCann, understand this. Because of this, we launched our community relations program, Project JOY, in order to spread JOY to more than just our clients and attendees, but the communities they serve as well.

While millennials find CSR important, Gen Z is even more concerned with how companies are finding ways to give back to our communities and world. Given the state of the planet they’re inheriting, Gen Z may be more concerned than any other generation when it comes to corporate social responsibility. In response, Gen Z plans to make changes, both as consumers and as workers. For businesses moving forward, this means investing in the future of these generations in order to attract employees who are committed to your company. 

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to include socially responsible actions in the workplace is through events—from fundraisers and local volunteer opportunities to incentive trips that include activities centered on CSR. According to their 2023 Incentive Travel Index, the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) notes that corporate social responsibility activities are key features of a successful program. With a competitive marketplace (for both consumers and employees), businesses that include CSR as a cornerstone of their practices and events can attract both loyal customers and committed talent.

What Is Corporate Social Responsibility?

In essence, corporate social responsibility refers to a company's commitment to operating in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner while also considering the interests of various stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment.

CSR is more than just actions. Instead, corporate social responsibility is a philosophy or guiding principle that drives a business to perform actions, contribute goods or services, or donate funds to organizations or groups that provide for the greater good, be it environmental, social, or other ethical practices. In turn, businesses and/or their employees can participate in the causes and movements that are important to them and promote societal wellbeing.

Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility Events

Perhaps one of the best aspects about CSR programs is that everyone benefits. The first advantage of any corporate social responsibility program is for the recipients, whether it’s a region, the environment, or a group of people. However, the benefits also extend to the business, customers, and employees.


Including environmentally and socially driven initiatives during corporate events does a great job of boosting brand reputation. As mentioned, consumers are becoming more interested in businesses who prioritize CSR. So, when businesses make a conscious effort to improve the environment, local communities, and their own workplace culture, consumers will be more likely to turn to them for their products and services. In other words, CSR fosters a strong brand image, which might mean more recognition and increased revenue.


The benefits of CSR are also extended to customers and local communities. As a result of CSR, customers can make better choices about the companies they purchase from. They’ll also build stronger relationships with businesses and feel inspired to match funds with businesses when such activities are utilized. 

And, local communities will be able to welcome new resources to schools and businesses, in addition to the positive environmental impacts of the sustainability efforts from CSR events. Essentially, businesses are not just incorporating CSR to improve their brand image, but leave a lasting impact on the communities that they serve as well. 

Employee Wellbeing, Engagement, and Satisfaction

With the inclusion of CSR at corporate events, employees will see improvements in cooperation and teamwork. With these events, particularly ones that include teamwork-driven activities, employees will be able to get to know one another better, leading to increased engagement and happiness.

This then becomes a domino effect after the event is over. Once returning to work, employees will be more engaged with each other, be able to think creatively, and work more efficiently together. In turn, businesses might even be more efficient, which could lead to an increase in revenue related to the strengthened connections between employees who participated in meaningful CSR activities.

Further, employee engagement and satisfaction could also enhance a company’s ability to attract and retain talent, especially among Millennial and Gen Z workers. This too can improve overall revenue. 

How to Plan CSR Events

Planning CSR activities and initiatives in corporate events and travel programs doesn’t need to be complicated. Think about what CSR goals you’re trying to accomplish and how you can best incorporate these in a way that is meaningful to attendees. 

CSR for Corporate Events

Incorporating CSR Initiatives into corporate events is a great way to engage attendees, promote social impact, and align the event with the organization's values. So, you’ll want to consider meaningful CSR activities that resonate with attendees and the company’s mission. 

For example, these activities might include volunteer opportunities, charitable giving campaigns, environmental initiatives, or community service projects. If social justice is a priority, you could coordinate a fundraiser for a relevant cause.

CSR doesn’t just have to be limited to activities. Integrate CSR elements into various aspects of the event, including the agenda, program, signage, and promotional materials. When CSR messaging is included in keynote speeches, panel discussions, or presentations to raise awareness about the importance of social responsibility, they might just inspire action among attendees, which would take the CSR goals of the event one step further.

CSR for Incentive Travel Programs

The purpose of incentive travel may be to reward top performers in your organization, but it can also serve as an opportunity to do even more. One of the most effective ways to include corporate social responsibility opportunities at destination events is to explore the opportunities in the local communities you visit. 

From environmental conservation efforts, participating or volunteering in local schools, or chipping in at a local animal sanctuary, there are plenty of opportunities to include socially responsible activities during your destination and incentive trips.

You may wish to consider the types of organizations or causes your team is invested in when planning your destination. Building a unique volunteer opportunity into a destination event can be a great way to elevate your event while rewarding team members and helping a local community.

CSR For Virtual Events

Though virtual events might not be a large focus anymore, they haven’t entirely gone away. Still, virtual events pose a great opportunity to make strides toward your CSR-related goals. You might utilize an online fundraising tool and encourage individuals or teams to participate. This could even be turned into a friendly competition to further motivate attendees to give.

Further, you could set aside some time for your employees to volunteer with an organization important to them or one you’ve selected. Online or virtual volunteer opportunities can include various areas, such as social media, graphic design, data entry, marketing, and PR.

For any of these options, making sure you time the information and announcement at a relevant and impactful moment during your program is key for encouraging participation and building excitement. Similarly, a running tally of funds raised or other presentations related to your efforts can really motivate and generate enthusiasm.

If you’re looking to reward top performers in a unique way, take the extra step and work sustainability into an already incredible incentive program. To get an idea of how that can be achieved, take a look at the creative ways Bishop-McCann put together once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Exceptional performers require exceptional rewards, so work with an experienced team who can deliver that for you.

If you’re ready to talk with our team about how we can help you include corporate social responsibility in your upcoming corporate and incentive travel events, reach out today!