Bishop-McCann Blog

Employee Recognition Trends: What's New and Effective in 2024

Written by Justin Myers | Apr 25, 2024 4:15:00 PM

Are your employee recognition events all starting to look or feel too similar? Same venues? Same menus? Same swag? If you’ve been holding the same employee recognition events for years, then it’s probably time to rethink the way you plan these programs. Especially knowing that what employees value from recognition events is constantly shifting (this is even more true as workforce demographics shift), and employers should recognize that in order to pivot as needed.

Fortunately, recognizing employees for their accomplishments in a way that resonates with them is easy to achieve by staying on top of the latest trends. Incorporating these trends into your next event is a great way to ensure that you value employees and take action to boost motivation, engagement, and connection.

Why Is Employee Recognition Important?

Across industries, nurturing a positive and engaging work culture has become essential for long-term success. However, you can’t recognize success without recognizing the employees who help make it possible. 

One of the most effective strategies to provide this acknowledgment is through employee recognition programs. These programs offer numerous benefits, not only for employees but also for the health of a business or organization. A handful of these benefits include:

  • Boosting Morale and Motivation: Recognizing employees for their hard work and achievements fosters a sense of appreciation and validation. This, in turn, boosts morale and motivates employees to maintain or even surpass their performance levels. When individuals feel valued and acknowledged, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.
  • Improving Employee Retention: In today's competitive job market, retaining top talent is a constant challenge. Employee recognition programs play a pivotal role in retaining valuable employees by making them feel connected to the organization and its goals. Recognized employees are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of hiring and training new staff.
  • Encouraging Continuous Improvement: Publicly acknowledging exemplary performance not only rewards past achievements but also encourages employees to strive for excellence in the future. By setting a precedent for recognizing hard work and dedication, these programs create a culture of continuous improvement where employees are motivated to develop their skills and contribute positively to the organization's success.
  • Strengthening Team Dynamics: Employee recognition programs often include team-based initiatives and activities, fostering collaboration and camaraderie among colleagues. When individuals are acknowledged collectively for their collaborative efforts, it strengthens team relationships and encourages a supportive work environment where employees are willing to help each other succeed.
  • Cultivating a Positive Work Culture: With employee recognition and incentive events, a culture of appreciation and recognition is spread throughout the organization, shaping its overall atmosphere and reputation. When employees feel valued and respected, they are more likely to exhibit positive attitudes and behaviors that contribute to a harmonious work environment. 

The reality is that the current workplace culture is different now from what it was five or ten years ago. Businesses that adapt to these cultural shifts and reward employees in meaningful ways will see higher levels of employee retention, motivation, and overall satisfaction. In addition, businesses that prioritize employee recognition even see a boost in ROI due to employee satisfaction and retention.

Considerations for Employee Recognition Events

Trends come and go, but staying on top of what keeps employees engaged is a great way to show team members they’re valued. If you’re looking for creative ways to boost morale and engagement, consider the changes being implemented in incentive events. To understand what resonates with employees, let’s take a look at a few key considerations that impacted the changes of the past few years. 

Evolving Workforce

Did you know that Gen Z is expected to overtake the number of baby boomers in the workforce this year? As of 2023, there were 17.3 million baby boomers employed with Gen Z trailing close behind at 17.1 million according to Axios, and millennials account for 49.5 million employees. Each of these generations is distinct from one another, and that means they come to work with different needs and preferences. 

So what does this mean for employee recognition and incentive events? Essentially, it means that traditional recognition methods aren’t providing the same value as they used to. Monetary compensation is excellent for addressing economic changes, but that doesn’t always hit home for younger workers. Instead, it’s time to consider non-monetary rewards that may reap more benefits. 


Technology is changing at an incredible rate, and that means adapting along with it. Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be the center of nearly every conversation. Obviously, technology has become a focal point for day-to-day business operations. 

Forbes estimates that by 2025, 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely. Further, 16% of companies are already fully remote with no central “office” to check into daily. Clearly, current technical advances make this possible. But technology is a necessity for all businesses, so embracing this tech in a recognition program is essential for a successful event.

Employee Expectations

Finally, for incentive programs to resonate with employees, they need to be crafted in a way that meets their needs and expectations. As mentioned, millennials and Gen Z are becoming more prominent demographics in the workforce, and what they want is drastically different from the generations before them. 

As a result, employee recognition programs are most effective when they are aligned with the core values and objectives of the organization. Employees expect recognition that reinforces and celebrates behaviors that exemplify the company's mission, vision, and culture. So businesses should ensure programs are integrated into the fabric of the organization, reinforcing desired behaviors and fostering a sense of purpose among employees.

Seven Employee Recognition Trends to Watch in 2024

As employee expectations for recognition and rewards continue to evolve, businesses must adapt their approaches to meet the changing needs of their workforce. What better way to adapt to growing trends than by embracing them during your next recognition event? Here are a few trends to keep in mind:

1. Peer-to-Peer Recognition

To get everyone involved, more businesses are including peer-to-peer rewards during employee recognition and incentive events. Instead of leadership distributing the awards, the baton is passed to coworkers who recognize the people they work closely with for their achievements. 

To help streamline this trend, mobile event apps designed for peer-to-peer recognition empower employees to appreciate and applaud their colleagues' efforts in real time, no matter their physical location. These apps typically feature user-friendly interfaces, instant notifications, and social sharing capabilities – promoting a culture of appreciation, collaboration, and connection within the organization.

Plus, peer-to-peer recognition helps break down barriers between leadership and employees, fostering a greater sense of community. 

2. Tech & Digital Focus 

If there’s one thing we’re confident about in 2024, it’s that technology is going to lead the way in employee recognition events. From social media integration to platforms for peer-to-peer recognition, technology will be in every corner of these programs. 

For instance, expect to see more gamification elements that add an element of fun and excitement, driving greater engagement and participation among employees. Whether through leaderboards, badges, or points-based systems, gamification encourages healthy competition.

Additionally, AR and VR technologies offer immersive and memorable experiences, which then elevate employee recognition events to new heights. This type of tech can be used to create virtual tours of company facilities, interactive 3D presentations, or virtual reality simulations, all of which create unique and unforgettable recognition experiences for employees.

3. Personalization

One-size-fits-all approaches to employee recognition are becoming obsolete. Modern employees expect personalized recognition that reflects their individual contributions and preferences. This could include tailored rewards, personalized messages, or acknowledgment in alignment with their unique skills and achievements. In terms of the larger scope of recognition programs, event technology can also help create personalized itineraries that recommend the best activities to keep guests engaged. 

4. AI Insights & Analytics

To drive personalization during incentive programs, businesses will be turning to AI tools in 2024. These tools will help event planners craft rewards that are more impactful for each employee. By harnessing data analytics, businesses can identify patterns, recognize top performers, and tailor recognition programs to better meet the needs of their workforce.

Plus, data-driven insights enable businesses to make informed decisions and continuously optimize their employee recognition strategies. This tech will help teams plan for future events by understanding what resonated with their guests and what may have missed the mark.

5. Well-Being

Employees work hard to help businesses succeed. Because of this, sometimes the best way to reward them is by checking in and making sure they are prioritizing themselves, including their mental health. So in 2024, expect businesses to acknowledge a healthy work-life balance and provide resources that ensure employees are taking care of themselves. During employee recognition programs, this might include dedicated wellness initiatives, such as scheduled free time, exercise classes, or mindfulness workshops. 

6. Sustainability

It’s also important to incorporate sustainability into employee recognition programs. In fact, many workers prefer to be associated with businesses that prioritize sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. Due to this, more businesses are expected to integrate these initiatives into employee recognition events. 

For example, businesses might opt for digital gift cards and certificates, rather than physical ones to reduce waste. Additionally, employers could reward team members by planting a tree in their name or donating to a meaningful cause. There are so many different sustainability initiatives for events that you can consider including during your next program.

7. Gifts & Awards

Though it’s fun to give gifts to employees as a way to recognize them for their contributions, it’s important to be mindful of what types of gifts you’re giving. Most employees won’t want knick-knacks that will collect dust or be thrown away. Instead, give meaningful gifts, such as hand-crafted items from the location where you hosted your destination event or personalized gifts for each attendee. 

Each of these trends indicates that we are moving toward more intentional, customized, and engaging rewards and events that prioritize the values and general well-being of employees. As workplace trends continue to shift in the coming years, adapting to employees’ needs is a necessity to promote meaningful working relationships to drive productivity. 

If you’re interested in including the latest trends in your next employee recognition program, you can turn to the expert event planners at Bishop-McCann for help. Our team stays on top of what’s new and exciting, so we can help you add value to your corporate events and recognition programs. To get started, connect with an event planner today!