Bishop-McCann Blog

Destination Marketing Organization Spotlight: Destination Canada

Written by Brenna Adkins | Jul 18, 2024 4:15:00 PM

When it comes to destination events, we know a thing or two about where to go and what to do. As event planners, we at Bishop-McCann strive to ensure our recommendations will make your next incentive travel program excel. So we recently had a chat with the team at Destination Canada to learn more about incentive travel programs and trends for incentive events throughout Canada.

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What Is Destination Canada?

Formed in 2001 under the Canadian Tourism Commission Act, Destination Canada is a Crown corporation whose mission is to promote and market Canada as a premier tourism destination internationally.

As a destination marketing organization (DMO), Destination Canada works with event planners like Bishop-McCann to organize and provide recommendations for the unique experiences that Canada has to offer. 

“We are such a vast country that we have so many different opportunities for experiences from coast to coast to coast. And we have four seasons, so we have options for winter, fall, spring, and summer experiences. It’s really hard to just pick one.” - Jennifer Attersall, Senior Director of Client Engagement, Business Events, Destination Canada

Why Visit Canada for Incentive Programs?

Recent research conducted by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE) suggests that attendees are interested in programs that offer unique experiences without requiring a long-haul trip; ideally, locations that are new to them but still relatively close to home. For groups based in North America, Canada might be the perfect destination.

Not only does Canada offer luxurious experiences (like its array of resorts that act as inclusive meeting destinations), but Canada is also home to a variety of unique activities. For the adventurous type, there’s much to be explored, including national parks, dog sledding activities, Niagara Falls, the northern lights, hot air balloon rides, and more. 

“We took a helicopter to the summit of the mountain where we did a glacier dip in July, so we were literally plunging into this ice-cold water and moving glacier ice out of the way. Then after, we had champagne and charcuterie boards overlooking the whole valley. It was just so magical. I could go on, there’s just so much to do here.” - Jennifer Attersall, Senior Director of Client Engagement, Business Events, Destination Canada

Cultural Experiences

While Canada is a stunning destination to visit, it’s also home to unique cultures that make Canada special for local communities and visitors alike. In fact, this has become a core value for Destination Canada as they weave storytelling into their incentive programs.

“We’ve always incorporated a cultural component with our programming, and we have so many different Indigenous communities across Canada that they all have different traditions and different practices. So we like to incorporate that into our programming, and then have them tell the story of why we do this and what the significance is. That is very important for us – to have the story told through the community versus us telling their story.” - Jennifer Attersall, Senior Director of Client Engagement, Business Events, Destination Canada

Not only do incentive programs reward teams for their hard work and provide a morale boost for attendees, but they also introduce visitors to new cultures. To accomplish this goal, Destination Canada’s storytelling allows visitors to immerse themselves in Canada’s rich cultural heritage.

When meeting with the Destination Canada team, we were able to learn about a few of the immersive experiences they’ve been able to share with visitors. One experience included working with Stephanie Eagletail, a local fashion designer from one of Canada's Indigenous communities and owner of Stephanie Eagletail Designs. She led a jewelry-making workshop where she taught participants how to make earrings and necklaces featuring traditional beading methods. 

Not only does this immerse participants in Canada's culture by teaching them the significance behind the craft, but it also allows them to walk away feeling a deeper connection to the community they get to experience. 

Sustainable Tourism

In addition to incorporating local communities into incentive programs, Destination Canada aims to keep sustainability at the forefront of these destination events. In order to keep Canada beautiful, they seek to preserve the natural landscape, and that means implementing sustainable tourism. While tourism and visitors from incentive programs help contribute to the economy, it’s also important to be mindful of the impact tourism has on the environment.

Destination Canada’s sustainable tourism initiatives are also closely tied to their theme of storytelling for visitors. A great example of this is shared in their guide to a regenerative approach to tourism, in which David Schonberger’s story is highlighted for his ability to create connections with new visitors while keeping Canada’s rich heritage at the forefront of their experience. 

His business in Tillsonburg, Ontario allows visitors to use the workshop to create their own charcuterie boards using lumber within 50 kilometers of the shop. This process immerses guests in the local landscape while sharing stories about the rich history of the community. Plus, ticket sales from this activity help fund the regeneration of eight square meters of Carolinian ozone, according to the report. 

Top Five Canadian Destinations for Incentive Trips

For any North American incentive program, don’t hesitate to consider Canada. No matter the time of year, there’s something for everyone. From cold plunges on a July day to ski destinations throughout the winter, every inch of Canada has something to explore. 


Banff is located within Banff National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes. The majestic Rocky Mountains, crystal-clear lakes like Lake Louise and Moraine Lake, and pristine forests offer a stunning backdrop for incentive programs.

When visiting Banff, incentive program participants can experience unique activities that create lasting memories, such as helicopter tours over the Rockies, dog sledding, glacier trekking, and hiking to nearby hot springs. Plus, Banff is home to luxurious hotels and resorts, which provide top-notch facilities, comfortable accommodations, and excellent service. These venues often have conference facilities, making them ideal for combining business meetings with leisure activities.


Nestled in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Whistler boasts gorgeous landscapes, including lush forests and pristine lakes. You may already know Whistler for being home to Whistler Blackcomb, one of the largest and most renowned ski resorts in North America. The resort offers a wide range of luxury accommodations, dining options, and amenities, allowing guests to enjoy a high level of comfort and service.

These factors combine to make Whistler a versatile, attractive, and high-impact destination for incentive travel programs, ensuring that participants leave with lasting memories and a strong sense of appreciation for their achievements.


In Canada, there’s truly something for everyone. Given that recent incentive studies suggest guests might prefer destinations closer to home, visitors to Canada can still experience an overseas feel. Québec is an outstanding destination for incentive travel programs, offering a unique blend of North American convenience and European charm.

“Everything there is cobblestone streets—it’s like you’re walking through the streets of France. We’re able to position that to our U.S. clients who don’t have the budget or the time to take that transatlantic flight, but they can come to Canada and still feel that European culture.” - Jennifer Attersall, Senior Director of Client Engagement, Business Events, Destination Canada

Québec City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is loved for its well-preserved historical architecture. The cobblestone streets, fortified city walls, and centuries-old buildings exude a distinctly European feel, reminiscent of charming French towns. As the heart of French-speaking Canada, Québec’s culture, language, and cuisine are deeply influenced by French traditions, making for a truly immersive travel experience.


Did you know Calgary is becoming a major fintech hub? In Calgary, participants are encouraged to experience industry-specific tours and networking events that can feature guest speakers from leading companies, making the incentive experience truly meaningful for businesses in the fintech world.

Beyond technology and finance, Calgary is a great place to host incentive trips for any industry. No matter the season, Calgary offers a wide range of outdoor activities. In the winter, participants can enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. In the summer, options include mountain biking, rafting, and golfing. This versatility ensures that incentive travel programs can be tailored to any season.

Plus, Calgary is a major hub, making it accessible to incentive program participants from all over the world, reducing travel stress and time. 


For a bustling city feel, Vancouver is an excellent choice. Not far from Whistler, Vancouver provides plenty of opportunities not only to explore one of Canada’s major cities, but also to engage in a variety of team-building activities that enhance camaraderie and collaboration. Options include group hiking, biking excursions, sailing trips, cooking classes, and even dragon boat racing.

In addition, Vancouver has a rich history, so it’s worth exploring the city’s culture during your visit. Home to diverse Indigenous communities, this city provides opportunities to learn about and engage with First Nations cultures. 

Remember the storytelling elements we mentioned earlier? We learned from the Destination Canada team that incentive program participants can visit cultural centers, take guided tours, and experience traditional art and performances, gaining a deeper understanding of the local heritage and taking the story of these cultures home with them. 

Canada’s Hidden Gem We Love for Incentive Travel Programs

While Canada’s most popular destinations remain favorites, there’s more to be explored for incentive programs. After speaking with Destination Canada, we wanted to highlight one of the hidden gems you should consider. Not only does this location provide a unique experience for attendees, but it also introduces new visitors to a part of Canada they might not have otherwise visited. 

St. John’s

St. John's offers an alluring contrast between city and nature with endless coastlines and amazing ocean views. Incentive program participants can enjoy iceberg hunting, whale watching, and puffin spotting – all unique activities that will create lasting memories. Home to the oldest street in North America and a vibrant, Irish-influenced culture, St. John's provides a distinctive cultural experience. The city's colorful houses and lively entertainment district add to its charm. 

“We will always have our traditional incentive destinations that people know – the Banffs, the Whistlers – but we’re starting to see that the smaller destinations are beginning to get bookings and inquiries for incentives.” - Jennifer Attersall, Senior Director of Client Engagement, Business Events, Destination Canada

In fact, St. John’s has been selected to host the annual SITE Incentive Summit Americas (ISA) in 2024. Being awarded this highly coveted event serves as a huge testament to the appeal of this destination. While St. John’s is high on our list of destinations for incentive travel programs, we’re still keeping an eye on other hidden gems loved by DMOs like Destination Canada.

If you’re interested in visiting Canada for an incentive program or are interested in learning more about destination events, feel free to reach out to the Bishop-McCann team anytime. From the early stages of event planning to the execution of final details, we’ll be there every step of the way to ensure your program goes off without a hitch!