Bishop-McCann Blog

Tips and Tricks for Telecommuting

Written by Alicia Schlicht | Apr 7, 2020 7:42:19 PM

Bishop-McCann has been allowing our corporate event planning associates flexibility in working from home for many years; we're here to share some tips and tricks for telecommuting.

There are many benefits that come with working from home for both employers and employees. In fact, two-thirds of managers report that employees who are given the option to work from home not only show an increase in productivity, but turnover rates decrease by more than 50%. Remote workers report a decrease in overall stress with an increase in the coveted work/life balance.



Whether you are new to working from home or if your current home office needs a refresh, here are several tips and tricks on creating a space that is conducive for getting the job done and staying focused!

  1. Location, Location, Location!

    Choose a designated workspace in your home that is just your workspace. This space should be away from distractions (TV, bed, couch, etc). This is important because it sets a mental boundary between working and relaxing. Make sure your new space is near power outlets to stay charged and in range of good Wi-Fi!

  2. Ambiance

    Design an office-like ambiance that fits your style and specific working needs. This may include a comfortable chair, your favorite pens, family photos, or houseplants. Move your favorite lamp from another room to ensure adequate lighting and reduce eyestrain.

  3. Get Creative

    If you do not have a traditional desk and chair at home, you can still create an office environment with things around your house! Shop your home to find the best table and chair for you to work as comfortably as possible—without hunching over your laptop. Try adding a pillow or throw to your chair to increase comfort and support.

  4. Schedule and Routine

    Replicating your normal working hours can be helpful in getting your day started and being productive. To achieve the right mindset, pretend you are going into the office and get ready as you normally would. Create a meaningful morning routine that works for you: wake up early, make your bed, get dressed, cook breakfast, etc. Then set a schedule for tasks to complete and any client calls or virtual meetings for the day. Lastly, establish a clear end time for your workday. It can be difficult to “turn off” at the end of the day and transition from work to home when they are the same place.

  5. Breaks and Boundaries

    Successful remote workers also schedule breaks throughout the day to exercise, get fresh air, or simply have lunch. Taking breaks outside of your workspace is crucial in keeping boundaries between workspace and relaxation. Remember to share these boundaries with others sharing your space to limit interruptions.

  6. Self-care

    Set aside time each day to do one thing for you. Maintaining good mental and physical health are just as important while working from home. That could be taking the dogs for a quick mid-day walk, enjoying lunch al fresco (weather permitting), or carving out time to read a few chapters of your favorite book.

Note: Check out our Instagram page for our series: "Navigating the New Normal with Bishop-McCann"—our own personal tips and tricks of telecommuting!